During a show in London, Nigerian singer Asake suffered a wardrobe malfunction while performing a mid-air kick. During his stage performance, the YBNL singer's trouser, which is known for his energetic performance, tore. The video, which has gone viral on social media, has netizens laughing, with many revealing that they now understand why he prefers baggy pants.
The current Nigerian rave Asake is currently trending on social media due to a clip from his London show. The video showed the singer, who is signed to Olamide's YBNL label and known for his energetic performances, doing a kick mid-air that caused his trouser to tear.
To add to the comedy, Asake exited the stage in reverse after noticing the wardrobe malfunction.
See as Asake take reverse after his trouser got torn😁😁 pic.twitter.com/7d5NKLTlvX
— GistDoctor (@GistDoctor) December 12, 2022